Health A-Z
Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mental health and wellbeing
If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier, we’re here to help.
Self help and Self referral guides
We’re pleased to introduce new self-help and self-referral guides to assist you in accessing a range of healthcare services.
Medicines A-Z
Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.
Pregnancy and Baby Guide
Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here.
The Little Orange Book
The Little Orange Book contains advice on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives. It also has information on more serious conditions, what to look out for and how to get help. Disclaimer: This book has been developed by Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group who have granted permission to Blackheath and Charlton PCN to use this resource.